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PRP for hair loss in Navi Mumbai : Can it reverse baldness without surgery

PRP for hair loss: Can its reverse baldness without surgery, pills, or ointment?

Another stroke of the hairbrush, another handful of strands, and another visible patch of the scalp.  If you are one of the millions of Indians dealing with androgenetic alopecia – male and female pattern baldness – this scenario probably sounds all too familiar.

Going bald can be brutal, especially from a self-confidence and social interaction standpoint. In fact, one study suggests that 29% of women with hair loss experience depression symptoms. Another reports that hair loss can create an “enormous emotional burden” for men.

But a new, natural therapy may offer more patients hope for hair restoration without surgery, pills, or topical ointments. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) injection is a novel procedure that uses your own blood platelets – a type of cell that helps with healing throughout the body – to potentially reverse hair loss and grow new hair.

PRP for hair regrowth is a relatively new procedure, but it might be an option to help you look and feel like yourself again.

PRP for hair regrowth is a breakthrough procedure and be a good option to help you look and feel like yourself again.

How does PRP work?

Though often associated with aging, hair loss can happen any time throughout adulthood. Balding occurs when the hair follicles, the small sacs that anchor individual hairs to the scalp, begin to shrink, allowing the hair to fall out.

In the world of sports medicine, doctors have used PRP to help heal muscle and tendon injuries. With hair loss, research suggests injecting the platelets found in a patient’s blood and activating growth factors can improve the blood supply to their hair follicles and increase the thickness of their hair shafts.

Before a PRP procedure, we will discuss realistic expectations with you. Hair regrowth will not happen overnight, and it is not guaranteed. We will also talk about lifestyle choices that can affect hair loss, such as quitting smoking and eating a diet fortified with vitamin D and iron – two nutrients that might support hair growth.

The full procedure takes less than 30 minutes. We will draw a sample of your blood, then spin it in a centrifuge to separate the platelets. Then, it will be extracted and injected into the balding areas of your scalp. Most patients report minimal discomfort, if any, and return to work the next day.

Patients will return once a month for three months for another injection, then once every three to six months thereafter.

The procedure uses your own blood, and risks are minimal. Although highly unlikely, risks can include bleeding, hematoma, infection, and nerve damage. Patients who take anticoagulants and those with an active scalp infection, chronic liver disease, or a low platelet count should not have PRP.

Want to learn more about this treatment contact us now on the details mentioned below.


Phone : +919152020907,+919152020908

Address : Dr Arun Panda,F1/ A-4 , Aditi Apartments,Sector 9,Vashi,Navi Mumbai-400703





Email: [email protected]

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