Gynecomastia in Navi Mumbai
Gynecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
A hormone imbalance causes swollen male breast tissue.
Due to decreased male hormones (testosterone) or increased female hormones (estrogen), male breast tissue swells. Causes that affect hormones include puberty, aging, medication, and health conditions.
The signs are swelling of the breast tissue and tenderness.
In certain cases, care may not be needed. Treatment focuses on the diagnosis of the underlying condition in other situations. Medical or surgical care is rarely needed.
Men and women have distinct breast structures through natural evolution. But the phenomenon of gynecomastia (commonly known as “male breast”) may be a problematic problem in particular cases. The glands which carry out the task of producing milk in female breasts are not meant to be male in the same form and function. However, this seems to be the case in some situations, giving rise to male breasts. Even the extra fat deposit may often cause the appearance of a man’s chest to look like female breasts. This can lead to humiliation and a decreased level of trust in oneself. Fortunately, to take care of this problem, the male breast reduction surgery procedure is accessible.
Although fat deposition can be managed by a combination of adequate diet and exercise in most parts of the body up to a certain level, male breast formation cannot be treated in a similar way. It is mainly caused by an imbalance between androgen and estrogen that causes the glands in their puberty to develop and deposit among boys, which also remains later on. Due to variables are known as pseudo-gynecomastia, additional fat deposition in the breast region may occur at any stage of life (owing to lack of gland formation and deposit).
In all such cases, after due examination and precaution, the procedure of extracting the extra mass around the areola area to reshape the man’s chest area is carried out by an expert surgeon. To ensure a scar-free operation, advanced liposuction procedures and special cannulas are applied at our end.