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Gynecomastia Live Surgery by Plastic Surgeon in Navi Mumbai | Male Chest Reduction Mumbai

Gynecomastia Live Surgery by Plastic Surgeon in Navi Mumbai | Male Chest Reduction Mumbai

Males can develop fat in their chest region in some cases. This fat must be removed, and gynecomastia surgery is the procedure that allows this to happen. Gynecomastia is a biological condition characterized by the presence of breasts in males. There are a variety of reasons why a person may develop gynecomastia. This medical condition, however, is commonly referred to as one of the most common endocrine system disorders. Males with this medical condition experience an abnormal increase in the size of their breast tissues.

It’s important to remember that approximately 70-75 percent of males develop larger breast tissues during their adolescent years. Because of the rapid hormonal changes, this temporary gynecomastia develops. This is why gynecomastia is only diagnosed as a medical condition when the increase in male breast tissue becomes permanent.

If a man wants to treat his gynecomastia, he should seek gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai or another city. The only way to reduce the size of a man’s breast tissue is to undergo this procedure. It is also critical for a person to ensure that he can find the best gynecomastia surgeon in Mumbai or any other city. This would aid in making the entire procedure as safe and successful as possible.

Causes of Gynecomastia

After the Birth:- Newborn children receive a certain amount of estrogen from the bodies of their mothers when they were developing in the womb. Because of this, the majority of male newborn children are born with rather enlarged breast tissues. These enlarged breast tissues usually go away within the first two or three after the birth of the child.

During Puberty:- When the child enters the phase of puberty then his body experiences many hormonal changes. This is why it is common to suffer from gynecomastia during that time. This tends to go away after six months or two years. This is why one does not need to seek gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai or any other city during that time.

During Mid-Life and After That:- When men reach the age of 50 years old then, they are at an increased risk of developing larger breast tissues. Men between the ages of 50 and 80 are more prone to it. According to statistics, almost one in four men suffers from gynecomastia that falls under that age bracket.

There are also many other conditions that can result in one suffering from gynecomastia. And some of those conditions include lack of proper nutrition, obesity, liver disease, kidney failure, and tumor in adrenal glands, tumor in testicles, hypogonadism, hypoandrogenism, and hypothyroidism. Different types of medications or drugs can also cause gynecomastia like anabolic steroids, estrogens, cimetidine, diazepam, and finasteride.

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