Dr. Arun Panda heads an advanced medical facility that offers a wide variety of acne scar treatment options in the heart of Navi Mumbai at Vashi.
Dr. Arun Panda heads an advanced medical facility that offers a wide variety of acne scar treatment options in the heart of Navi Mumbai at Vashi. This includes some of our signature solutions, global peels, acne laser treatment from the United States FDA. At our clinic, here’s what you can find : Consultation with our Dermatologist in depth Comprehensive Medication Plan for Acne, including medications and treatments We offer a personalized plan to ensure that
Pimple Doctor in Vashi,Navi Mumbai
Are you constantly suffering from acne and pimples? Tried and tested every recommendation but still haven’t found the perfect treatment for acne then wasting your time on expensive products and skincare routines visit Dr. Arun Panda right away to get result-oriented treatments and say goodbye to acne once and for all.   NO MATTER WHAT IS YOUR SKIN TYPE IS, WE WILL MAKE SURE YOU WILL GET RID OF ALL TYPES OF ACNE AND PIMPLES.
Face Aesthetic Surgeon in Navi Mumbai
Slimming and shaping of the jawline and chin non-surgically   A rise in the size of the masseter (chewing muscles) often results in an expansion of the jawline and a square-like face shape.   A square jaw, particularly in females, is a characteristic that may not always be desired. It may also be due to bruxism (tooth grinding) or maybe a hereditary trait in some cases. In addition, slimming the jawline will help turn a
how long after a hair transplant can you exercise explained by Hair Transplant Surgeon in Navi Mumbai
This post is dedicated to all the Fitness nuts out there (Including myself) A hair transplant is a dangerous surgical operation, whether FUT or FUE. To protect your new hair grafts and your general health, proper aftercare is required, and that includes ensuring that you do not return to daily activities, such as going to the gym, too soon. So how long after a hair transplant can you exercise? Stop strenuous exercise until at least
Skin Treatment Training for Doctor in India
I received so many messages from you all requesting to conduct the course so I will be conducting a Series of Courses for you. Certification Course is finally here !! limited slots because of COVID-19 please book your slot and if you have any doubts please call on the number shared in the image. Website: https://www.drarunpanda.com/ Phone : +919137766113 Address : Dr Arun Panda, Row house no. 194,SS-3, Sec-2, Vashi,Navi Mumbai-400703,Maharashtra, India. Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrArunPanda1 Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/DrArunPanda