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Dermabrasion for Scar removal live surgery | Scar Removal Treatment in Navi Mumbai by Facial Surgeon

Dermabrasion for Scar removal live surgery | Scar Removal Treatment in Navi Mumbai by Facial Surgeon

What Are the Best Ways to Get Rid of Scars?
Dermabrasion, also known as dermaplaning, is a procedure that uses controlled surgical scraping to “refinish” the top layers of skin. The new skin is usually smoother and brighter. The consequences can be both dramatic and long-lasting.

Why choose dermabrasion for treating scars

Acne scars, pox marks, and scars from accidents or disease can all benefit from dermabrasion. On burn scars, it’s less effective. For fair-skinned people, the procedure is a good option. For those with darker skin, it can cause discoloration.
What you should know about dermabrasion for treating scars
To begin, the treatment area is thoroughly cleaned. The treatment area is anesthetized with numbing medication or a freezing spray. The scar tissue is then removed with a special wire brush or a rough-edged diamond wheel by the doctor.

How to prepare for the procedure

Before the procedure, you and our Boldyskulpt Aesthetics Facial Plastic Surgeon should discuss expectations, potential risks, and outcomes of the procedure. A week or so before treatment, dermabrasion candidates should:
1.) Stop taking certain medications, such as aspirin.
2.) Stop smoking.
3.) Avoid certain skincare products.
4.) Stay out of the sun.
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