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Best Acne Scar Treatment Navi Mumbai, Acne Scar Removal Treatment in Navi Mumbai

Best Acne Scar Treatment Navi Mumbai, Acne Scar Removal Treatment in Navi Mumbai

Best Acne Scar Treatment Navi Mumbai, Acne Scar Removal Treatment in Navi Mumbai

Acne Scars Removal Multi-treatment approach for 100% assured results at Bodyskulpt Skin Clinic Vashi

Severe acne complication is acne scarring (pimples). As part of the regular process of wound healing, acne scars are created during the healing of active acne, however, in scars, normal collagen tissue is swapped out for scarred fibrous tissue.
In Navi Mumbai, there are several secure and efficient surgical and non-surgical methods for treating acne scars.

All of the treatments improve the appearance of acne scars by causing the development of new collagen, or neocollagenosis.

Only qualified dermatologists carry out all procedures.
When Dr. Arun Panda, a facial plastic surgeon in Navi Mumbai, analyses your skin first to determine the type of scar you have, the best results are typically acquired through a mix of acne scar treatments.

Why does Acne Scar?

Different stages of acne exist. There are no scars when acne is still in its early stages. Scar formation is a possibility as the condition progresses to the inflammatory stage and the inflammation penetrates deeply into the skin. When aggressive acne heals, either healthy collagen tissue is lost or excessive collagen is produced as a result of the persistently severe inflammation. So, stopping inflammation at an early stage is probably the key to avoiding or minimizing acne scars. However, early acne scarring with little to no inflammation has been observed in certain patients, and these scars have shown good response to treatment.

Who is Prone to Getting Acne Scars?

It relies on a number of variables:

1. There is no cure for acne that is active or that has been allowed to heal naturally.
2. Delayed beginning of active acne therapy.
3. Scarring occurs as a result of picking, popping, or squeezing acne, which promotes inflammation.
4. Getting very bad acne (nodulo cystic )
5. History of severe acne in the family.

What are the types of Acne scars?

Acne scars can take many different forms and vary in depth, size, shape, and surface texture. Commonly, different kinds coexist in the same patient. Three categories can be used to broadly classify acne scars.

1. Erythematous, hyperpigmented acne scars that are macular (flat).
2. Ice pick, atrophic (depressed) acne scars shallow and deep boxcar Rolling, narrow and broad lines
3. Acne scars that are hypertrophic (raised) include papular, keloidal, and hypertrophic scars.

Why You Should Treat Your Acne Scar?

It is not required to cure acne scars because they are a permanent aftereffect of acne. It is more of an aesthetic issue that affects an individual’s daily life on a psychosocial level. The major reasons people seek therapy for acne scars are low self-esteem, restrictions on social or professional interactions, effects on careers and personal lives, and a desire to look better.

How are acne scars treated?

The Bodyskulpt Aesthetics Skin Treatment Clinic in Vashi offers a number of treatment options for acne scars in Navi Mumbai. Dr. Arun Panda, a well-known facial plastic surgeon, is the director of one of Navi Mumbai’s most cutting-edge skin clinics that offers all available treatments for acne scars. He also has extensive experience in providing these procedures. Individual patients are taken into account when selecting and customizing treatments. Combination therapies are the only way to effectively treat acne scars because they continue to be a therapeutic challenge.

Topical therapy

In the treatment of acne scars, topical treatments can be extremely important. There isn’t a good anti-acne scar cream that can effectively treat acne scars. The most crucial components of acne scar treatment for post-procedure skin care are sunscreen and moisturizer. Tretino in creams used as anti-acne scar creams is beneficial for the initial treatment of mild superficial scars, as priming agents to prevent the occurrence of problems, and as maintenance therapy between surgical methods.

Microneedling and PRP therapy

A minimally invasive method of treating acne scars is microneedling. It works best on shallow, rolling, and linear boxcar scars. The device with the tiny needles is used to puncture the skin in tiny places. Microneedling results in increased skin collagenization and dermal stimulation. All skin types can use it safely. The best skin clinic in Navi Mumbai for micro-needling treatment of acne scars is Dr. Arun Panda’s Bodyskulpt Aesthetics Clinic because it has the Dermapen, the greatest micro-needling technology in the world that produces the most consistent and efficient results.

It is frequently used in conjunction with PRP therapy for improved results. By employing the centrifugation procedure, platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is a concentrate of platelet-rich protein that has been drawn from the patient’s own blood.

Blood contains platelets, which aid in tissue repair and the development of new cells. PRP therapy for skin encourages collagen development and tissue regeneration. Skin becomes tighter, smoother, and brighter as a result of this. It refines pore size, improves skin tone and texture, and delivers a generally healthy and youthful appearance. PRP is created at the Bodyskulpt Aesthetics Clinic using an automated PRP plus system that produces a high concentration of platelets at a constant temperature. The entire therapy is administered by Dr. Arun Panda, a Navi Mumbai-based expert on acne scars.

Fractional CO2 Laser

The most effective treatment for acne scars is a fractional CO2 laser. The greatest non-surgical method for treating acne scars is the fractional CO2 laser. The Alma’s Pixel CO2 Laser, the best CO2 laser in the world for treating acne scars, is available at Dr. Arun Panda’s Clinic in Navi Mumbai. It offers exceptional outcomes while minimizing unneeded tissue injury and is incredibly versatile and precise.

Scar appearance is best reduced with the Pixel CO2 laser, which is used to resurface the skin on the face and body. It removes scarred tissue in a fractional pattern and focuses on the water content of the skin’s soft tissue. Its heat impact causes the creation of new collagen, which improves the texture of acne scars. At national conferences, Dr. Arun Panda has given numerous lectures on CO2 laser scar treatment as well as training sessions for young dermatologists. He is skilled at treating acne scars with laser therapy.


For shallow, depressed acne scars, fillers work best. Although there are many different types of fillers, they are often based on hyaluronic acid (HA), which moisturizes and lubricates our skin and joints naturally. Water and HA bind, enhancing hydration and giving the illusion of being plump. Clinical studies have shown that dermal fillers restore and add volume to the treated area by hydrating the skin and encouraging the formation of collagen. They instantly raise scars, but the effects of many filler kinds are quite transient, lasting only 12 to 18 months.


Ice-pick acne scars are best treated with TCA CROSS. In this procedure, TCA is used to denaturize the scar tissue by applying it directly to the center of the ice-pick acne scar. Scars become elevated as a result of new collagen synthesis. It can be used in conjunction with micro-needling and fractional CO2 laser therapy to enhance and improve the outcomes.


In general, subcision is recommended for depressed acne scars. A sharp needle is inserted beneath the scar to break the fibrous adhesions holding the scar down, which elevates depressed acne scars. A successful outcome can be achieved by combining subcision with a resurfacing technique like fractional laser resurfacing.

Punch excision technique

The punch excision technique is used to remove deep depression and boxcar scars, and for the best results, it is typically paired with laser resurfacing. It works well together when the patient has fewer acne scars.

Chemical peels

Peels remove the epidermis, or top layer of skin, which is followed by collagen synthesis and epidermal regeneration. The most often used products on Indian skin include Jessner’s solution, salicylic acid, mandelic acid, glycolic acid, and TCA. They are typically combined with other techniques including the CROSS method, microneedling, and subcision. These are recommended for scars that are macular, hyperpigmented, and atrophic.


A good method for treating superficial acne scars is microdermabrasion. Diamond or crystal tips may be employed. It is a painless, non-invasive office procedure that requires little to no recovery time.

Treatment for raised hypertrophic acne scars

  • Scar creams: Silicon-based creams and dressing are useful to depress elevated scars. They are slow acting and useful in combination with other treatments. They make the scars shrink, flatten and lose their colors.
  • Intralesional injection: It is an injection to diminish the growth of fibrous tissue. It is given once in 3 weeks and usually from the first injection results start appearing. Dr. Arun Panda Facial Plastic surgeon and Skin Specialists assess the hypertrophic scar and inject medicine into the scar itself. It makes scars soft and flattened.
  • Laser treatment: CO2 Laser ablate the raised scar tissue and it can be followed by injection on the same day to prevent a recurrence. IPL treatments can be in to reduce the size of hypertrophic acne scars.
  • Intralesional cryotherapy for raised acne scars: In this treatment liquid nitrogen gas is delivered into the lesion through a specific device that freezes the tissue. Scar tissue dies and sheds off but this treatment can lead to white spots on the skin.

What is the useful combination of treatments for best results in acne scars?

Dr. Arun Panda top skin specialist in Navi Mumbai has developed its own protocols to perform all acne scar treatments in Vashi that give the best results in acne scars.

1. CO2 Laser plus
2. Microneedling with PRP therapy (any acne scar )plus
3. If ice pick acne scars – TCA CROSS
4. Deep Box scar (Few in number)- Punch excision
5. Deep box scar (multiple)- subscion
6. If the patient wants quick results – Fillers (but results are temporary)
7. Superficial atrophic acne scars- chemical peels or microdermabrasion
8. Macular scars- Chemical peels or microdermabrasion

Factors to Consider Before Starting the Acne Scar Treatment

The selection of the best acne scar treatments depends on various factors. Dr. Arun Panda discusses these factors in detail in the first consultation. These factors are:

  • What is the treatment result expectation?
  • As multiple sessions are required so affordability is also important to consider.
  • Post-treatment Downtime. Can you afford downtime?
  • How much time you can give for treatment and post-procedure skin care?

Outcomes of the treatments of acne scars

We anticipate an average 50–60% improvement in the appearance of acne scars in the majority of patients. For maximum outcomes, these therapies must be administered over a number of sessions. Still, treatment choice, treatment skill level, and scar type all influence final results. To prevent side effects, the patient must diligently follow all post-procedure skin care guidelines. All methods for treating acne scars are secure and efficient, but preventing acne is the best course of action.

How can acne scarring be prevented?

The following can be helpful:

  • Never go for self-medication.
  • See a Doctor as soon as acne develops, so that correct treatment can be started. Treat acne early as soon as it develops.
  • Follow the treatment regime meticulously.
  • Do not pick or squeeze acne lesions.


  1. Discuss with the dermatologist your concerns related to acne scars.
  2. Check for affordability, number of sessions, and downtime, and then decide on the nature of acne scar treatments.
  3. Follow all the pre-procedure instructions to avoid post-procedure side effects.
  4. Pre-procedure sunscreen application for 3-4 weeks is mandatory.
  5. After acne scar treatment understands the day to a day skincare regime.
  6. Post-procedure moisturizer and sun protection are the most important.

Acne Scarring FAQs

  • Q.I don’t have the time of 3-4 weeks before acne scars treatment for sunscreen application. Is it necessary to apply sunscreen before acne scar treatments?
  • A. Yes, especially in Indian skin it is necessary. It is called priming. Skin type III-V needs priming to avoid post-procedure pigmentation changes.
  • Q.what is the most effective nonsurgical acne scar treatment?
  • A. Fractional CO2 laser
  • Q.what is the average downtime post Co2 laser for acne scars?
  • A. 5-7 days. Post-CO2 laser there is scab formation of treatment area which shed off in 5-7 days. Redness may persist for 2-3 weeks as per skin type for that sunscreen application is a must.
  • it necessary to get a combination of acne scar treatments?
  • A. For best results yes. Because there is no single modality that can work on all types of scars with the same efficacy so most of the time dermatologists combine 2-3 treatments according to acne scar type and skin type.
  • Q.How frequently I will need a co2 laser?
  • A. Post CO2 laser epithelisation starts in the 4th week which is followed by new collagen formation. 2-3 months is the ideal time to repeat the CO2 laser. Sometimes this gap can be more.
  • Q.Can acne scars recur?
  • A. A. the changes in scars with treatments that are inducing new collagen formation are long-lasting and usually, scars don’t appear again. Results of fillers are temporary.
  • Q.what is the cost for laser treatment of acne scars?
  • A. Laser treatment for acne scars is very much affordable at Dr. Arun Panda’s Clinic Navi Mumbai and the cost of one session range from 4000-6000 INR according to the areas and extent of acne scars.
Want to learn more about this treatment, contact us now at the details mentioned below.

Phone : +919152020907,+919152020908
Address: Dr. Arun Panda, Bodyskulpt Aesthetics, F1/ A-4, Aditi Apartments, Sector 9, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703

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