Will I Lose Hair from the Back of my Head if I opt for Hair Transplantation | Will it Grow back?
Within a few months, a healthy scalp can show hair growth at the donor site. Although the recipient site may lose hair for a period of time, the roots will remain. After all, in the coming months, healthy new hair will grow. The entire procedure can take up to a year. A follow-up appointment is recommended so that Dr. Arun Panda, our hair transplant surgeon in Navi Mumbai, can ensure that your scalp is healthy.
Hair grows back in the donor area after an FUE hair transplant. Hair grows back to the donor area from which the hair follicles are extracted, making hair restoration techniques popular all over the world. It’s like getting hair growth in the donor sites while replacing existing hair in the recipient sites.
Hair follicles show a desire to regrow shortly after the donor scalp has healed. Much depends on the surgeon as well as the success of the surgery. Patients should not be concerned about the hair growth in the donor area because it is a proven fact. You must concentrate on keeping your scalp clean, germ-free, and free of dust and sunlight.
The length of time it takes for donor hair to grow varies from person to person. People with skin problems or allergies have a slower hair growth rate than those with a normal and healthy scalp. Early hair growth is aided by a diet rich in fresh fruits, milk, protein, and vitamins.
Want to learn more about this treatment contact us now on the details mentioned below.
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