Learn about Earlobe Repair Surgery explained Facial Plastic Surgeon Dr. Arun Panda #earloberepair
Earlobe repair is quickly becoming one of India’s most popular procedures. People are increasingly coming in to have their earlobes repaired. People have waited years in some cases before seeking earlobe repair. Some people have taken off their gauges or heavy earrings, and the soft tissue has shrunk slightly, but there is still a significant hole.
Elongated earlobe holes, also known as split earlobes, can be caused by a variety of factors, including:
1. Heavy earrings are worn for extended periods of time
2. Gauges in the earlobe, increasing in size, weight, and time
3. Earrings becoming entangled and then being pulled (typically long earrings snagging a dress or other clothing)
4. Children attempting to put on earrings
5. Several piercings too close together or too close to the lobe’s bottom
6. Unexpected trauma
Typically, the plastic surgeon will take a medical history and perform a physical exam. It is possible to discuss health issues that can affect wound healing (diabetes, smoking, etc.) or bleeding (medicines, herbal preparations, etc.).
They will ask about the patient’s goal, as with any other procedure, and then examine the hole to determine the size and condition of the hole, as well as the anatomy of the surrounding tissue. Some earlobes simply require closure. Some patients require a more complex tissue rotation. Both earlobes can usually be done at the same time.
Earlobe repairs are typically performed in the Clinic as an outpatient procedure under local anesthesia.
Most patients are able to drive themselves home. The earlobe is cleaned and numbed. Extra skin is removed. Depending on the situation, tissue may be rotated. The wound is then closed in layers to relieve tension on the incision’s outer edge. When everything has healed, there is usually a fine scar.
The majority of patients return to work the next day, if not the same day. Depending on the circumstances, either permanent or absorbable sutures may be used to close the skin.
Normally, we advise patients to give their ears at least three months to heal before getting their ears pierced again. In addition, we request that the distance between the new and existing piercings be at least 3 mm.
Want to learn more about this treatment, contact us now at the details mentioned below.
Website: https://www.drarunpanda.com/
Phone : +919152020907,+919152020908
Address: Dr. Arun Panda, Bodyskulpt Aesthetics, F1/ A-4, Aditi Apartments, Sector 9, Vashi, Navi Mumbai-400703
Google Direction:https://g.page/DrArunPanda?gm
#earreconstruction #earloberepair #earsurgery #earsurgeon